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Writer's pictureIeva Šimaliūtė

Empowering recovery: the launch of the RECOVER project

Rebuilding educator competencies for overcoming vulnerabilities, empowering recovery

In a kick-off meeting that was held today, we unveiled the RECOVER project—an encouragement of hope in the world of recovery coaching and sustained rehabilitation. The mission is clear: to equip adult educators with the tools and knowledge essential for guiding individuals on their path to recovery. This initiative recognizes the pivotal role educators play in the lives of those navigating the challenging journey of recovery, particularly in disadvantaged communities.

The heart of the RECOVER project: empathy, education, empowerment

The main motivation behind RECOVER is rooted in the critical need to enhance the quality of recovery coaching. It goes beyond conventional approaches, aiming to empower individuals not just to recover but to thrive. The project acknowledges the significance of adult educators in providing support and, in turn, enabling recovered individuals to become valuable volunteers or staff members.

Key objectives: strengthening educator competencies for lasting impact

1. Enhancing recovery coaching skills: a comprehensive method-set is in development to improve recovery coaching skills. The focus is on practical, empathetic, and effective coaching techniques.

2. Knowledge empowerment: adult educators will be able to learn about mental health, addiction science, and social factors. This holistic understanding is vital for navigating the complexities of recovery.

3. Targeting disadvantaged groups: with the help of this project, our comprehensive method-set will address the unique challenges faced by disadvantaged groups, ensuring inclusivity and accessibility in recovery support services.

4. Building a volunteer pipeline: the project aims to facilitate the seamless transition of individuals in recovery into valuable volunteers or even staff members, creating a sustainable and supportive community.

5. Long-term impact assessment: an integral part of the project is the establishment of mechanisms to evaluate the long-term impact. This includes tracking the progress of individuals in recovery and assessing the effectiveness of the support provided by educated coaches.

A collaborative journey: community engagement

To ensure the project aligns with the realities of the target population, we will actively engage with local communities and organizations. This way we will be able to create a network for knowledge sharing and continuous improvement.

The RECOVER project is more than just a project; it's a promise to empower, support, and rebuild lives.

Stay tuned for project updates!

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